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posts By RED BEAR

In sales, the ability to maintain momentum and stay engaged with prospective customers can be the difference between closing a deal and watching it slip away. At RED BEAR Negotiation, we are trusted by 45% of Fortune 500 companies and have consistently demonstrated the power of effective negotiation strategies. In fact, companies that invest in our training programs see an average return of $54...
Peak season is prime time for procurement professionals. During this time, supply chains face added stresses as businesses ramp up their operations to meet the needs of customers and clients worldwide.
How advanced is your negotiation process? Do your negotiators have world-class negotiation skills? Does your approach to negotiation protect your self-interest, break through stubborn impasses, and create collaborative relationships? If not, it's time to learn to embrace the inherent tension in negotiations and find creative breakthroughs with RED BEAR.
Successful negotiations are rarely the result of chance or innate talent. They are, more often than not, the product of meticulous preparation and strategic planning.
As the summer heats up, don’t let your sales and procurement negotiation training melt away. Now is the perfect time to sharpen your skills with some insightful summer reads.
Effective procurement negotiations are crucial for achieving cost savings and fostering strong supplier relationships. However, procurement professionals often face challenges such as competing priorities, power dynamics, and information asymmetry. To overcome these obstacles and drive successful negotiations, it's essential for your procurement team to adopt best practices tailored to the...
Sales negotiations can often feel like a high-stakes game where the immediate objective is to close the deal. However, successful negotiators know that the real prize is in building long-term relationships.
The dynamics of negotiation can shift dramatically in the face of a crisis. Whether it's a global pandemic like COVID-19, supply chain disruptions, or natural disasters, these situations demand unique approaches to secure successful outcomes.
Negotiation is an essential part of the sales process. It's the dance between understanding a customer's needs and presenting the value your product or service brings. However, the pressure to close deals can sometimes lead to ethical pitfalls, where shortcuts and deceit might seem tempting. Navigating these challenges requires a commitment to integrity and ethical practices.