What Sales Professionals Are Up Against
What It Takes for a Successful Sales Negotiation
Sales Negotiation Skills for Today
Tips for Overcoming Buyer’s Objections
- Cultivate Emotional Intelligence
- Approach Decision Makers Directly
- Understand and Handle Objections
- Invest In a Training Program for Sales Negotiation Skills
Winning Sales Negotiations: Scenarios
- A Successful Sales Negotiation
- Sales Managers & Equipping Staff
- Having the Right Sales Conversations
Accelerate Skills With Masterful Sales Negotiation Training From RED BEAR
- What You Get with RED BEAR Sales Negotiation Training
- The Value of RED BEAR Training
- The RED BEAR Difference — Our 4-Step Process
- What Happens After Training?
- Cross-Cultural and Virtual Negotiation Training
- Train-the-Trainer Program
Frequently Asked Questions About Sales Negotiation Training
The Ultimate Guide to Sales Negotiation Training
What does it take to find success in today’s rapidly changing and fast-paced sales world? While many are turning to tech-based solutions to solve their problems, there is no denying the impact that negotiation still has on maximizing the value of deals.
Understanding the fundamentals of negotiation can help your team build better relationships, find creative solutions, and, most importantly, grow your business. Of course, not every sales negotiation training course is the same. Some value manipulative tactics and cookie-cutter strategies, while others focus on the core principles and behaviors that drive successful negotiations.
Here at RED BEAR Negotiation Company, we value the latter. Our goal is to take individuals and turn them into world-class negotiators.
To help you better understand how the sales process is changing and why the right win-win negotiation strategy is mission-critical, let’s take a deep dive into sales negotiation.
The Sales Process Has Changed
The sales process has changed in the wake of supply chain disruptions, geopolitical pressures, and other industry-specific factors. For sales professionals, this new landscape is set with new challenges, as well as plenty of opportunities.
To help you understand these changes, let’s explore some statistics and research about B2B sales and industry trends.
Stats on B2B Sales
The sales process is changing because B2B buyer behaviors are changing. Fueled by new approaches to business, more and more buyers are searching for convenient ways to interact with businesses.
Omnichannel sales are the name of the game. While in 2016, a successful B2B business might see five channels in the customer decision journey, that number now eclipses 10. As of November 2021, more than 90% of surveyed organizations in a McKinsey study view today’s omnichannel reality as equally or more effective at reaching customers than ever.
This highlights the need for effective win-win negotiation strategies and the value of process-driven approaches that can succeed in almost every environment.
Adding to this complexity is the vast amount of decision-makers and stakeholders involved in your average sales decision. Gartner research shows that around 77% of B2B buyers state their latest purchase was difficult or complex. In most cases, a decision involves six to ten decision-makers.
In most cases, a decision involves six to ten decision-makers.
Effective negotiation skills training is critical in navigating these tense and complex situations, helping sales reps find common ground between parties, both external and internal.
Global Sales Trends
The impacts from COVID-era disruptions are not only shifting the way B2B sales take place; they’re also adding unique challenges to virtually every industry.
For many industries, there are the same three culprits:
- Supply chain disruptions
- Geopolitical pressures
- Changing consumer behaviors
There is no denying the impact of supply chain disruptions. For example, consumer packaged goods (CPG) professionals argue that these supply chain issues are still an extreme challenge. Around 62% of CPG executives believe this to be a significant threat.
These disruptions also affect sectors like MedTech and the medical industry at large.
For example, stressed supply chains lead to doctors and nurses not having the necessary equipment to do their work. More than half of surveyed medical professionals can recall a time in the last 12 months when they didn’t have access to an essential product for a patient’s procedure.
More than half of surveyed medical professionals can recall a time in the last 12 months when they didn’t have access to an essential product for a patient’s procedure.
Supply chain disruptions are just one global trend dealing challenges to sales professionals. There are also geopolitical pressures, which can be just as formidable and complex. As business trends globally, incidents and disruptions have ripple effects thousands of miles away.
For the telecom industry, these geopolitical challenges are leading to unique problems with international compliance.
By working across borders, these organizations need to adapt to shifting privacy laws. Take China. Today, almost every multinational company operating in the People’s Republic needs to understand recent changes in data privacy laws fully.
Around 83% of telecom leaders cite these data privacy and compliance challenges as a top priority.
Sales Research
As the world finds footing in an increasingly digital world, it’s not always the case that what’s new is always better.
Take the sales journey. Buyers who prefer a rep-free experience often regret their decisions around 46% of the time — suggesting these buyers might not know what they want from the sales process. Conversely, those who went for seller-led approaches were 63% less likely to complete a high-value deal.
This puts into focus the demand for new customer experiences. In this case, high-value experiences that satisfy buyer preferences and positively influence their final decisions.
What Sales Professionals Are up Against
While these statistics and research paint a complex picture for sales professionals, it’s all about how these challenges change buyers' interactions with a business.
We’ve explored a few major trends that are shifting how buyers approach the purchasing process, but let’s dive deeper into what’s changing.
Buyer Behavior
Buyer behavior is changing. Buyers today are better informed, prefer self-service options, and prioritize visibility and transparency. They’re also not as plugged in and tech-dependent as some business leaders might think.
As more businesses focus on the customer experience, buyer expectations for high-value experiences also increase. This can significantly affect sales negotiations as customers expect personalized service, quick responses, and higher-quality products and services.
These customers don’t simply want to move through the purchasing process as they did in the past. They want more agency, are intimately involved in the negotiation process, and need to feel empowered about their choices.
Virtual Sales and New Sales Cycles
Sales prospecting is changing in the new digital world.
When it comes to prospecting new leads, the experience is quickly evolving. In the past, sales cycles often began with face-to-face meetings, cold calling, or even chance encounters.
Interactions on digital platforms characterize virtual sales. That means video chats, virtual meetings, and even social media channels. Moreover, these sales cycles often happen faster than previous cycles. For sales teams, being quick and ready to adapt to new technologies is a critical component of overall success.
It’s not enough to put on the charm during face-to-face interactions. Sales teams also need to learn to evolve those strategies for the digital landscape.
Take LinkedIn, for example. This platform for professionals has become a must in any good sales prospecting strategy. Not only is the social media site a staple for professional networking, but compared to other social media behemoths like Twitter or Facebook, it’s 277% more effective for lead generation.
LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than other social media platforms.
What It Takes for a Successful Sales Negotiation
Keeping this all in mind can feel challenging.
In reality, though, these steps become seamlessly integrated with everyday operations with the right negotiation process in place. The best sales negotiation skills don’t rely on manipulative tactics or single-use strategies but rather focus on the right principles and behaviors that drive successful discussions and lead to win-win outcomes.
Why Manipulative Sales Tactics Don’t Work
Plenty of negotiation training courses will fill your mind with memorized tactics that seem, at first, to find success in mock negotiation scenarios and B2C situations. In reality, though, the results will fall far below expectations when you try to use these tactics in the real world.
First, what is a tactic? There are two distinct meanings:
- A tool used to pursue one’s self-interest in a negotiation.
- A tool to gain an advantage over the other party during discussions.
Tactics might seem at face value as critical tools for getting your way. But, they often lead the negotiation into a strictly competitive, win-lose outcome that inevitably damages the relationship. It’s important to understand these tactics and learn how to deflect and mitigate their possible effects.
Some customers will use tactics to throw you off your balance, force you to lose focus, push you off your negotiation plan, or make you react rather than be proactive.
Understanding the Right Methods
How can your sales team find footing in tense negotiations? A firm understanding of the principles and behaviors that drive successful negotiations sets expert negotiators apart from beginners.
Once your sales team has these fundamentals of a win-win negotiation strategy as part of their overall approach to negotiation, they can seamlessly move through tense discussions with ease and confidence.
First, let’s explore the principles of successful negotiation:
- Position Your Product Advantageously
- Set High Targets
- Manage Information Skillfully
- Know the Full Range and Strength of Your Power
- Satisfy Customer Needs Over Wants
- Concede According to Plan
To make the most out of any sales negotiation, your team will need to adapt in real-time and adjust their approach according to the situation. Much like a mechanic working on a car, you must understand which tool suits the situation. The best salespeople have an arsenal of negotiation behaviors at their disposal.
These negotiation behaviors include several key areas:
- Make Demands
- Ask Open Questions
- Test and Summarize
- Propose Conditionality
- Make Trades
The right sales negotiation courses will always focus on these principles and behaviors as the roots that grow successful outcomes. Remember, our goal isn't to manipulate or trick; that will get you negative results fast. Instead, it’s about building long-term relationships that offer value for years.
A New Negotiating Table
These principles and behaviors can help define your team’s sales negotiation skills in the changing sales landscape.
First, it’s worth putting to bed the old perspective on negotiation. For novice negotiators, it's easy to see the purely competitive chest-beating approaches to negotiating as a positive. In reality, though, these tactics are played out and not practical.
Customers are much more likely to work with you and your team if they can trust you. That’s the key. This puts into focus the other dimensions of negotiation, the collaborative and creative dimensions — which we’ll explore later.
How might this work in a mock negotiation scenario? Let’s say your sales team is working with a client. One strategy might be to hammer at the price, using manipulative tactics to get the other party to agree to outlandish terms. Might this work? Yes, but you need to consider the long-term value of a relationship like this. Which, given the sour sales experience, is probably non-existent.
For a seasoned negotiator with an understanding of the intricacies of negotiation, they might focus not on price but other valuable areas, such as:
- Better delivery schedules
- After-sales support
- Product customization
These salespeople can identify opportunities to satisfy the other party’s needs and preferences, resulting in a win-win outcome and a long-term relationship.
These are just a few examples of how the negotiation table is changing. It's less about a 'zero-sum game' where one party's gain is another party's loss and more about creating 'win-win' scenarios where all parties can benefit.
Sales Negotiation Skills for Today
The right negotiation sales techniques will help your team understand modern approaches to negotiation that value relationship building, transparency, and trust over tactics and purely competitive approaches.
While the competitive dimension of negotiation is still incredibly relevant, the goal of sales negotiation should be to find creative solutions that result in win-win outcomes where both parties leave satisfied.
Transforming your sales team into world-class negotiators is easier than you might imagine — but it’s all about partnering with the right negotiation skills training organization.
Here at RED BEAR, we aim to take salespeople and turn them into confident and capable negotiators. No matter the situation or scenario, our methods deliver results.
To help you understand what RED BEAR is all about, let’s dive into a few modern approaches to negotiation training that we use in our workshops.
The Three Dimensions of Negotiations
A key element of RED BEAR sales negotiation training is the three-dimensional negotiation model.
The negotiation process is situational, meaning, at times, it will be either competitive, collaborative, or creative. Each serves a different purpose, and understanding when to use one over another is the key to creating successful and fair outcomes.
To begin, let's start with the competitive dimension. While many believe negotiation is primarily a competitive activity, that’s just not true. Even so, it’s critical to understand this dimension first.
These competitive situations are characterized by the following:
- Self-interest
- Focus on one negotiable (often money)
- A win-lose outcome where collaboration is not emphasized
Most negotiations will contain both the collaborative and competitive dimensions, but understanding the competitive dimension is essential to learning how to meet your business goals and needs.
Our “What It Takes for a Successful Sales Negotiation” section has explored some of these competitive aspects. These are things like understanding the common negotiation behaviors and tactics the other side might employ and how to react appropriately.
Alongside the competitive dimension are the collaborative and creative dimensions. These collaborative situations are characterized by the following:
- Self-interest and concern for the customer relationship
- More than one negotiable
- The possibility of an actual win-win outcome
If you can recall the relationship behaviors we outlined earlier, these are essential to mastering the collaborative aspect of negotiation. You can negotiate collaboratively and produce valuable results when you ask more questions, clarify and understand, and offer outside-the-box thinking toward gridlocks.
The creative dimension is about finding solutions when the other two dimensions are balanced.
This creates “healthy tension,” where both parties seek equitable outcomes that maintain and nurture the existing relationship. Only then can both parties get creative and find unique solutions that result in mutually beneficial and profitable agreements.
Here at RED BEAR, we teach you and your team how to master all three dimensions of negotiation to develop beneficial customer relationships; create better, more profitable agreements; and grow your business.
Managing Concessions
An essential component of any sales negotiation process is a solid understanding of the value of making concessions. To get it right, sales professionals need to strike a strategic balance of give and take.
But, it’s often the case that novice negotiators fall for the same traps. Concessions are the key to building rapport and maximizing outcomes. Here are the common pitfalls that beginner negotiators find themselves in:
- Appearing inflexible
- Giving into demands quickly
A good concessions strategy will accomplish a few tasks:
- Set targets effectively, offering flexibility in negotiations
- Value concessions as essential resources
- Adhere to a give-and-take strategy
The goal of a good concessions strategy is not to get the most out of the negotiation.
Remember, we want to maximize the outcome for both parties. To do this, always keep in mind the health of the customer relationship. If our mission is to build long-term relationships that produce results repeatedly, we should adjust our concessions strategy accordingly.
At RED BEAR, our sales training for negotiation focuses on building these types of relationships. Most concession strategies follow a pattern; understanding these patterns can help your team understand what responses you can expect from the other party.
An effective strategy for negotiating concessions can significantly influence a business's success. If a negotiator maneuvers the conversation to secure concessions leading to a deal at or beyond the target price, the resulting boost to operating profits can be substantial.
To put it in perspective, a slight positive shift in price — say, 1% — can elevate operating profits by an impressive 11%. However, the opposite also holds true. Poorly handled concessions that result in a price reduction of just 1% can lead to an equivalent 11% slump in operating profits.
A 1% positive shift in price can elevate operating profits by 11%.
Cross-Cultural Negotiation
72% of surveyed business leaders report an increased negotiation volume with people from different countries. In today’s hyper-globalized and connected world, even small- to medium-sized businesses are expanding their reach into global markets.
This shift in how we do business puts into focus the need for effective cross-cultural negotiation processes in everyday operations.
Many factors contribute to this trend:
- Economic growth in emerging markets
- Business activity within geographical regions prompted by evolving international agreements
- Manufacturing operations moving to emerging markets
- Multinational and multicultural employment diversity
Mastering cross-cultural negotiation is a challenging feat. Several key issues face sales negotiators. Whether it’s distrust, stereotyping, or language issues, effective cross-cultural negotiations start with a clear understanding of the fundamental negotiation principles that work in any culture.
RED BEAR training teaches your team to understand their blind spots, identify gaps in their strategies, and adjust and refine the plan in real-time to tackle the unique challenges of cross-cultural negotiations.
Companies that lead in developing better global negotiators will undoubtedly perform better. That is why investment in this area promises a significant return on investment.
Tips for Overcoming Buyer’s Objections
Even with the right strategies, tools, principles, and behaviors, your sales team will still need to understand some common buyer objections and how to navigate them. Overcoming these objections is just part of the sales process.
Here are a few tips to help you tackle these types of thorny customer issues.
Cultivate Emotional Intelligence
Understanding emotional intelligence is an essential sales negotiation skill.
Emotional intelligence is all about cultivating the ability to identify, interpret, and manage not only your emotional responses but also react appropriately to the emotions of others. In a sales negotiation, emotional intelligence ensures your team has a handle on their reactions and can maintain control over the situation.
Emotional intelligence revolves around several key concepts:
- Self-awareness
- Self-regulation
- Empathy
- Motivation
Approach Decision Makers Directly
In any sales negotiation situation, there are always decision-makers. It’s critical that you identify, approach, and engage them directly. These individuals can agree to your proposals and close the deal. When you speak with them directly, you can often avoid misunderstandings and streamline the negotiation process.
Here are a few tips you should consider:
- Identify the decision-makers quickly
- Develop a direct contact channel
- Maintain professionalism and respect
Understand and Handle Objections
Even the best negotiators face objections; it’s just part of the sales negotiation process.
Objections often indicate something deeper. It could be that the other party needs more information or that they can’t see your proposal’s value. Whatever it is, you need to understand how to approach objections.
Let’s explore a few tips to help you along the way:
- Listen actively
- Clarify the objection
- Respond appropriately
Invest In a Training Program for Sales Negotiation Skills
Investing in a high-quality sales negotiation course is the key to improving your team’s ability to negotiate and overcome objections.
When you invest in your team, they gain essential sales negotiation skills, tools, and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of sales negotiation confidently and competently.
Winning Sales Negotiations: Scenarios
When it comes to sales negotiation techniques, having the right tools and knowledge is the key to success. But what does this look like in reality? When it comes time to put these strategies to work, you’ll find that most negotiations are as complex as they are unique.
That’s precisely why RED BEAR focuses on the sales negotiation skills that work in virtually every industry — no matter where the sales process occurs.
To help you better understand the power of these concepts, let’s explore real case studies related to RED BEAR clients.
A Successful Sales Negotiation
RED BEAR was approached by a major player in the packaging and container industry. Facing pressures from declining prices, competition, and commoditization, the industry leader was searching for effective strategies to build market share and profitability.
The challenge was a common one. This client faced increasingly savvy customer negotiators with a mission to cut costs. Moreover, integrated supply and group purchasing organizations flexed their combined muscle to consolidate buying opportunities and force price concessions.
How did RED BEAR help this Fortune 1000 global leader? We introduced a rigorous planning discipline that helped essential sales team members and leadership increase their sales negotiation confidence and deliver consistent performance in their everyday sales cycles.
After rolling out these changes to their methodology, the organization was able to boost profitability and reduce margin erosion. The results? An increase in projected annual revenue totaling $37.699 million with a 46.7 to 1 ratio of return on the company’s investment.
Results: $37.699 million increase in projected annual revenue with a 46.7 to 1 ratio of return on the company’s investment.
Sales Managers & Equipping Staff
At RED BEAR, we see equipping staff with the right tools and methods for approaching sales negotiation as an investment in your team.
Let’s explore another real RED BEAR client to put this idea into action. This time, it’s a food and agriculture products and services company looking to improve margins.
The company was looking for strategic ways to navigate an increasingly competitive marketplace, professional purchasing negotiators with little brand loyalty, complex layers to management, and internal pressures to perform with shrinking resources.
RED BEAR provided the groundwork for a stronger sales discipline by integrating a planning methodology with uniform tools, abilities, and communication techniques into the client's managerial and sales structures.
The company quickly leveraged its investment. By building a sales culture focused on execution, the company was able to transform the selling dynamic from a commodity bid to a value-added strategic purchasing decision. This translated into profit margins that increased by over $1.4 million during the first reporting period.
These kinds of internal investments pay off in increased profit margins and employee engagement, retention, and recruitment.
Employees increasingly seek assurance that their individual growth is as significant to leadership as the company's growth. This is precisely why a growing number of organizations are focusing on learning and development. Current research suggests that about 70% of employees lack the skills to handle their daily work responsibilities effectively. By investing in the right sales negotiation training, your business can change that.
Results: Over $1.4 million profit margin increase during the first reporting period.
Having the Right Sales Conversations
Having the right sales negotiation process means you’ll have the right conversions with buyers.
Let’s look at another RED BEAR client. This client is a Fortune 1000 energy and chemical company looking, like many other businesses, for better sales results and a boost to profitability.
RED BEAR helped the company develop the methodology and tools needed to establish a sophisticated sales execution culture that focused on profitable and sustainable outcomes. By learning to have the right sales conversations with customers, the company expanded the scope of services and products sold. They focused on value, not solely price, selling new product lines to existing customers by better understanding their needs.
During a year of historically high and volatile energy and feedstock costs, this Fortune 1000 company realized incremental profitability of $20.6 million in less than one year using the skills and concepts from the RED BEAR methodology.
Results: $20.6 million increase in profitability in less than one year.
Accelerate Skills With Masterful Sales Negotiation Training From RED BEAR
Are you searching for the right sales negotiation training course to invest in?
With so many courses on the market, it can be a challenge in its own right to source a quality course that delivers value. Fortunately, RED BEAR is here to help transform your sales team.
Below are some key reasons why RED BEAR Training differs from other sales negotiation training companies.
What You Get with RED BEAR Sales Negotiation Training
At RED BEAR, our mission is to transform individuals into world-class negotiators. We value process-based approaches to sales negotiation that deliver results.
When you decide to explore training with our team of negotiation experts, you get much more than a simple workshop. You get:
- Customized learning experiences that stick
- Measurable results
- A 10X ROI guarantee
- Tested processes
- Continuous learning reinforcement
- Global support through local execution
RED BEAR customers realize an average return of $54 for every dollar they invest in our training programs.
The Value of RED BEAR Training
We’ll work with your sales team to help them mature through every stage of the negotiation process.
When economic uncertainty or volatility hits, you’ll know your business is prepared to negotiate and find win-win outcomes. We understand that many individuals may have no formal training in sales negotiation, and many organizations don’t have processes around negotiations.
Here is what you can expect:
- Go from no documented negotiation processes to standards revolving around common negotiation language that everyone uses. This leads to better and consistent negotiations across every area of your organization.
- Instead of siloed knowledge and relying on the same sales reps or managers for negotiations, everyone on your team will have the negotiation sales techniques needed to deliver tangible and scalable business results.
- Are your teams disconnected? Through our workshops, you can link diverse and global teams to build confidence and credibility across your business units.
- Instead of focusing solely on price, your team will learn to value creative, collaborative, and profitable agreements.
The RED BEAR Difference — Our 4-Step Process
The RED BEAR sales negotiation process follows four steps:
- Strategic Alignment — we’ll fine-tune and customize the learning experience to address your organization's unique needs.
- Experiential Learning — we provide customized learning experiences that stick and are built on models, principles, and high-performance behaviors.
- Coaching & Reinforcement — we provide participants with coaching skills, a managers’ toolkit, and lots of practice to emerge with the confidence and competence they need to coach and reinforce key skills, tools, and behaviors.
- Measurement — we conduct several post-workshop surveys to ensure your team gets the most from RED BEAR’s training.
What Happens After Training?
How can you ensure your team makes the most out of RED BEAR’s training? How can you reinforce our ideas and methods?
Our 100 Minutes to Improved Sales Results course is an email-based training course that helps reinforce the skills learned during our training workshops. The program is based on Situational Negotiation Skills and delivers weekly emails with short learning activities to learners.
There’s also the Coaching & Reinforcement Workshop (CRW) that empowers managers to develop clear action plans for internal coaching that help build motivation within your team and double down on continuous improvement.
Cross-Cultural and Virtual Negotiation Training
We’ve already explored cross-cultural negotiation, but it’s worth revisiting how vital this aspect of modern business is for your organization. That’s why we have a workshop focused on teaching the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in these international business negotiations.
RED BEAR’s Cross-Cultural Negotiation Training helps your team build cultural agility and avoid common pitfalls. We’ll help you plan, build awareness, and avoid cultural faux pas so you can confidently enter any global negotiation.
We also offer Virtual Instructor-Led Training that helps alleviate pressures from limited budgets, travel restrictions, or distributed teams. RED BEAR negotiation experts lead each workshop, featuring our hallmark hands-on negotiation training.
These workshops perfectly replicate the in-person workshop experience, leveraging our discovery-based learning methodology.
Train-the-Trainer Program
If your organization has its own learning division, we can help by certifying in-house instructors to facilitate our tested sales negotiation methods. The Train-the-Trainer instructor certification program is the ideal choice for global corporations.
The educators in your institution will gain the ability to impart profound insights, techniques, technology, and tools that enable the crafting of agreements with higher profitability and the cultivation of more robust business relationships.
Ready to get started mastering the negotiation process with your sales team? Our sales negotiation courses offer unparalleled access to experiential training focused on the fundamental aspects of successful sales negotiations.
For more information on RED BEAR’s workshops or to speak with one of our team members, contact us today.
Frequently Asked Questions About Sales Negotiation Training
Let’s explore a few common questions about our sales negotiation training:
- What Does a Sales Negotiation Training Program Entail? The Sales Negotiation Program is a workshop-based training that covers RED BEAR negotiation methods alongside mock negotiation scenarios to explore the right way to approach the sales negotiation process.
- How Do You Build Relationships and Maximize Deals? At RED BEAR, we believe you build the most valuable relationships through trust and transparency. Our training focuses on the methods that help you build trust while maximizing the value of outcomes.
- What Does Negotiation Have to Do With Trust? When you build your negotiation process on trust, you gain the ability to navigate the often tense nature of negotiations with a collaborative approach that leads to win-win outcomes. Other training programs “weaponize” emotional intelligence and leverage “manipulative tactics.” These strategies rarely work and often erode customer relationships.
- How Do Value Adds Factor Into Successful Sales Negotiations? Value adds offer customers something beyond core products or services. They help your team enhance the offer, stand out amongst the competition, and find flexibility in sales negotiations.
- How Can I Learn to Negotiate With Confidence? When you have a firm understanding of the fundamental principles and behaviors of negotiation, you can learn to tackle any sales negotiation, no matter the environment.
- How Does Negotiating Impact a Sale? Even a 1% change in price during a negotiation can have an impact. The right methods get results. That’s the power of negotiation.
- Is There a Time to Use Lenient Terms? Leniency can be an effective tool when used strategically, but ensure that it aligns with your overall business objectives and doesn't compromise your company's interests.
- How Do I Get Better Deals? Instead of focusing on closing the deal and getting the best price, RED BEAR training values relationship building. These long-term relationships provide value for years to come, often leading to the best outcome for both parties.
- How Do I Find the Right Tools to Maximize Value in a Deal? You need the right training to find the right tools to get the most out of your sales negotiations. That’s what RED BEAR is all about; getting your team the tools they need to succeed.
At RED BEAR, we aim to teach your team how to properly approach sales negotiations. Our sales negotiation training focuses on the right methods and tools, so your team can enter any negotiation with confidence!
Fill out our contact form and we will be back to you in no later than one business day.